Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fanime Masquerade Skit

That was...probably one of the most tiring and stress-inducing events we've managed yet. x___x But we pulled through! Fantastic job everyone! It's a shame you can't see the dragon in this recording.

[EDIT] Here's a different recording where you can see the dragon. :D

Synchronicity: mini-shoot at Fanime

Date: May 28th, 2011
Location: Downtown San Jose
Series: Vocaloids - Synchronicity
Cosplayers: Bean (Len), Guavi (Miku), Katrina (Rin), Deb (Kaito), and Caitlin (Meiko)
Photographer/helper/general people of AWESOME: Fish, Karen

We didn't get a chance to have a real shoot since the weekend was so hectic. But here are some nice photos we did manage to snap.

A real con report and process-documentation post will come...eventually. Once we get a chance to take a breather.