Friday, February 17, 2012

Pre-AOD! (And who knows? Maybe some AD memories?)

So I've had the honor of being part of the whirlwind of last minute painting, sewing, wig cutting, and practicing for a skit *cough* call it tradition *cough* or procrastination *cough*

Currently, Guvai and Bean are hanging out in Awesome House, Bean cutting her wig and Guavi sewing her outfit. Seems befitting that the con is the next day, but a NEW CHALLENGE: getting on BART and to SF sometime before midnight (preferably 8pm?) Caitlin and Karen already loaded the car and drove over the Bay Bridge before it is closed for the weekend. Hope they made it! In other news, Dazz will be doing last minute touches to her cosplay tonight also, so stay tuned!

So what is AOD you might ask? Well, it is Animation on Display, and a rather small convention that is held at the Hotel Kabuki in Japantown, SF. Being a complete new-comer to the scene, I'm rather excited to see what is going down. It seems to be a fairly tame convention, with mostly the My Pretty Pony crowd taking over this year. However, Hideo will also be there as well as Robotech and a gundam building workshop!

So funny story... While browsing the front page of the AOD website, I took a peek over at the cosplay events, and at the Masquerade. And THIS caught my eye:

That's right. Best of Show: $500

So, excited, I ran to Caitlin, posted it on her wall and gently said, "Oh, you should consider joining! With Bean and Guvai and Dazz! Yay for all the fun things!" (Do note, this was Monday. AOD Masquerade is Saturday). Somehow, by some power from all above (or basically Caitlin's awesomeness), she signed up the group for masquerade, created a skit, and had it finalized by today. As for practice... tonight and Saturday will prove to be fairly entertaining. In some ways, I giggle because I'm excited for their skit and how awesomely funny it will be. At the same time, I giggle because I incited them to do so, but... I'll only be a fangirl tomorrow night ^^

So moral of the story? 1) Never let a sick person with crazy ideas near a computer when a con is coming around. They might get ideas. That might involve you. 2) Never let said sick person near any social media sort of thing, or you might get pulled into something. 3) Stay calm despite the thumping upstairs and the constant frustrated sighs. It'll be alright. We promise.

So some pictures pre-AOD! 

Le packing for the weekend! Note the adorable piakchu pillow pet! -^^-

Le sword needed some touch-ups!

Oh hai gaiz, not like I'm just now putting together my cosplay, nope not now


*insert caption*
I apologize for the lack on eloquence with my writing, and promise a better written thing when I'm not getting glue all over my fingers and tape. I'm sure everyone will make it on time and do awesome!


- Spark

1 comment:

  1. it was very funny, but somehow the pony beat team caek!
